10/9/23-10/10/23—New Hampshire

Quick pass through southern New Hampshire.

I knew the main points I wanted to hit in New Hampshire were all a little farther north in the state, so I planned them for my return trip. But from what I saw in my short time here, I was impressed. The mountains were bigger than I expected, and the people here were so kind. It made me excited to come back on the return trip.

New Hampshire was also where I experienced my first “uh-oh” moments of the trip. The first one being my gps leading me astray and taking me 3 hours out of the way to Concord, which was not at all on course. No biggie, could be worse. And then, you guessed it, it got worse.

When it comes to seeking out free public campsites, obviously it requires driving on some rather rough roads. Well the roads were apparently so rough that they wanted to take a swing at my car. While driving throughout NH, every time I would hit a bump, something in/on the rear part of my car would bang around. Of course my mind went to the worst possible case scenarios. I pulled over multiple times and checked to make sure it wasn’t any of my belongings inside the car. Also checked to make sure it wasn’t anything with the tires/wheels/axels. I figured, hey, must be gravel or something stuck underneath and it’ll eventually work its way out. It didn’t. The sound continued. Wasn’t until I was in my next destination, Maine, that I discovered the issue…



