1/17/21—RepresentPA (Part 1)
More commercial work for the great people over at RepresentPA. This was shoot day 1 of 2. I’ve had the idea in my head for awhile of going out in the snow, building a fire, and making some hot chocolate. I’m happy that this idea was finally able to come to fruition, especially for a job. My parents were the models, obviously because well they’re basically professionals at this point.
The whole premise for these photos was winter and snow, ya know? Well in this area we hadn’t gotten snow in weeks. I was checking the weather pretty much every day. But finally, snow was on the way. It wasn’t going to be much, but I held faith. I went to bed the night before the shoot with high hopes. When I woke up in the morning, I held my breath and looked out the window…panic, utter panic. There was a mere dusting of snow, but we didn’t have a choice so I was going to have to make due. Thankfully as we traveled up to higher elevations, there was a decent amount of snow. And as we began to shoot, light flurries began to fall to add a nice little accent to the photos. Overall, I was very pleased on the day and ready for part 2…which was going to be much, much colder.
*****Please excuse the watermark. Not all images included were officially purchased or licensed. Thank you.