6/12/21—Madeline One Year Photos

These are the cutest photos you will ever see in your whole entire life, so get ready.

Laura, a longtime friend of mine, has the sweetest daughter ever. Lucky for me, I get to take her pictures! It’s hard to believe that Madeline is already approaching a year of life. I photographed this little family last fall when Madeline was a little tiny baby. Now, she can stand up on her own two feet and has so many stories to tell.

Laura came prepared with many ideas and props, which was incredible. And Caleb, Madeline’s dad, was there to carry all the props…lol thx Caleb. Madeline was an absolute champ during the shoot, as you can see in the final results below.

Laura and Caleb, thank you for trusting me to take these photos of your precious little girl! I hope you cherish them forever<3


6/14/21—Flower Picking


6/10/21—Grayce, Casey, Scarlett