1/20/21—Morgan & Gracie & Newspapers

Well this was something new. Morgan (@morgan_lupole), Gracie (@gt.wood), and I drove around all day looking for somewhere cool to take photos. Preferably indoors. And well yeah, that place doesn't exist. At least not now with a pandemic going on. So we settled on an idea we saw on Pinterest.

Basically, we were just gonna hang up a bunch of newspapers (minus the obituaries) to use as a backdrop, and well they were gonna try to look cool in front of it. I think they accomplished that.

Now, usually I take outdoor portraits and rely on natural light, but she was dark out by 4:30. So in turn, I had to break out the external flash for the first time ever. It’s about time I learned how to use it anyways because I have some gigs this year where I am definitely going to need to use it. Anyways, here are the photos…


1/31/21—Sean & Karina Engagement


1/18/21—RepresentPA (Part 2)